(National Council of Science Museums, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India)
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BIRLA INDUSTRIAL & TECHNOLOGICAL MUSEUM, a unit under National Council of Science Museums, the parent body of all the science Centres / Museums in India.
Science Camps
Vacation Science Camps on subjects such as Geography and Basic Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Life Science etc. are organized during the Summer and Puja Vacations every year for about 2 weeks. In these camps the students get the opportunity to do experiments and make interesting science projects.Students from class III to XII can join.
Enrollment will be done on first come first serve basis and on availability of seats.
For further details contact BITM Education Section over 2287-7241/42/43 (Ext. 234) or 8902730970.
Summer camp 2017 Basic Information :
Seat Availability as on 06/05/2017: