(National Council of Science Museums, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India)
Welcome to :
BIRLA INDUSTRIAL & TECHNOLOGICAL MUSEUM, a unit under National Council of Science Museums, the parent body of all the science Centres / Museums in India.
- Entry fee Rs. 20/- per head for students coming from schools in groups
- Free entry for one Teacher per 20 students
- Guided tour of BITM galleries on prior request
- Entry fee waived on request for Physically and Mentally Challenged Students
Package Rate Tickets at BITM includes
- Entry to Museum +
- Coalmine +
- 3D Show +
- one Science Show
Package Details
Letter Bengali
Science Demonstration Lecture:
Lectures on topics suitable for classes VI to XII are arranged, subject to prior intimation from schools. The topics are: i) Electromagnetic Induction ii) Mechanics and Laws of Motion iii) Chemical Reactions iv) Acids, Bases and Salts v) Story of Atom vi) Properties of Liquid vii) Properties of Air
Download Letter.(English/Hindi) Letter.(Bengali) Intimation Form.
Entry fee waived on request for Physically and Mentally Challenged Students
Institutional Membership:
Schools can take Institutional Membership by paying a consolidated fee of Rs. 3000/- annually. Member schools can send as many students as they desire to BITM in a year on different occasions.